£27.00 GBP

ReSET & Realign Personal Growth

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 

Personal Growth and Development


  1. "Despite my efforts, nothing ever changes"
  2. "I am stuck in my current circumstances and cannot change it."
  3. "I do not deserve to invest time and effort into myself."
  4. "My past mistakes define my future potential."


  1. Fear of having wasted time and energy on personal growth without tangible results.
  2. Fear of change
  3. Fear of being perceived as unsuccessful or inadequate despite efforts to improve.
  4. Fear of not being able to break out of negative patterns or habits.


  1. Stagnation
  2. Disillusionment