The Proud To Be You

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5 simple ways to improve performance and reduce stress

Apr 25, 2024

Are you meeting your 5 basic human needs?

Before you buy an ice bath, stick an overpriced glucose monitor to your arm and watch yet another YouTube video on how to hack your life let me give you 5 super simple things you can do to make you more productive, give you better energy levels and reduce feelings of overwhelm & stress.

These 5 things are so simple and basic that we often overlook them.

1) Breathing - take notice of your breathing. I know this may sound strange but many of us don't breath properly. Our breathing is often shallow meaning we are restricting our oxygen hungry brain cells of vital fuel.

2) Food - are you eating enough and are you eating things that boost your energy or drain it? It's easy to get lost in the weeds when it comes to nutrition and I've worked with enough clients who've had unhealthy relationships with food to know that this can be a contentious topic but getting your nutrition right for you will have a huge positive impact on your wellbeing and productivity.

3) Hydration - how much water do you drink? Your body needs water and far more than your probably having right now. 1.5-3 liters of water a day is recommended.

4) Movement - we were not designed to live the lives we live. Sitting down most of the day staring at screens. Your body needs to move. whether you do an at home yoga session, go to the gym or simply take 10mins out of your day to go for a walk, if you don't move your body it will eventually give up on you. Use it or lose it!

5) Sleep - Good quality sleep is essential if you want to feel great, look good and perform at a high level. If you know you could go to bed earlier or change things in your evening routine to improve your sleep do it. No excuses.
The only thing I will add to this is I have several neurodivergent clients that tell me they really struggle to get a solid nights sleep and if you are a parent to young children a full nights sleep may be a distant memory but getting rest is still absolutely essential. Power naps of between 20-90 mins seem to work well but you know yourself best - what could you do this week to start improving the quantity & quality of your sleep?

These 5 things are so often overlooked because of their simplicity and instead of getting these 5 foundational needs met we try and hack our way to better energy & performance.

Focus on getting these 5 right for you and see what a difference it makes

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