The Proud To Be You

Blog & Podcast


Healing from past trauma is not a linear thing that you "do".

Jul 17, 2023

Healing is misunderstood & at times misleading.

Healing from past trauma is not a linear thing that you "do".

Healing is, from my experience and from what I've observed in my clients, more of an expansion of self.

A softening of the edges.

A breaking down of the walls you built to protect yourself.

An understanding of who you really are before the world moulded you into who you've become.

An opening of your heart that for so long you've kept closed.

Healing is different for every person but what I want you to take away from this post is that being triggered isn't a bad thing.

You haven't "failed to heal".

You've simply become so self aware that you actually recognise and truly feel your emotions and understand their origin.

That level of self awareness gives you choices. It gives you the ability to move forward in a new way rather than blindly repeat old patterns.

And yes it feels utterly shit at the time but you know in your heart that it's simply another opportunity to release some dead weight and move forward

So the next time you get triggered be kind to yourself.

You haven't failed. This is the work.

Much love 😘