Poor mental health is costing employers £53-56 billion
Jan 31, 2024
Estimated total costs of poor mental health in workplaces have increased by 25% since 2019, reaching £53-56 billion in 2020-21
£53-56 BILLION!!
Behind that staggering statistic are thousands of people suffering and struggling with their mental and emotional health.
It's not OK!! The mental health crisis is not something we can tackle in isolation without looking at the whole picture.
As a population we've endured challenges over the past 4 years that have hit us hard emotionally, socially, financially, personally and professionally.
It is no surprise that so many people are struggling, yet despite Mental Health Awareness being at an all time high understanding and positive impactful action is still no where near where it needs to be.
If you are wanting to take care of your employees but have no budget to work with consultants like me or invest in further training there are still so many things you can do.
There are loads of free resources and guidance provided my Mind which is a great place to start.
If you don't have the time to tackle your unique set of challenges around employee wellbeing by yourself and wish to discuss investing in consultation and training contact me [email protected] to find out how I can help.
*stats provided by Mind.co.uk