Rise Up, Make Waves, Change the Game

Your future isn't bound by your past

What if I told you that the frustration you feel in your life is not resolved by doing more in the now but by breaking free from what has been...

As women, we're often told we can have it all, but end up sacrificing our own needs in order to do it all and please others. 

We spend years striving to reach our goals only to find they are either always just out of reach or the rest of our life falls apart in the process. 

In ReSET & Realign you get to break free from limiting beliefs, fears and trapped emotions & reconnect with the truest version of you. 

The version of you who knows how powerful, worthy & divine she really is.

Does any of this sound familiar?

You’ve read the books, followed the self help gurus, identified your limiting beliefs & money blocks, said affirmations until you're blue in the face, hired coaches & therapists and at this point you could probably write your own self help book! Yet despite ALL the awareness and understanding you STILL feel like something's holding you back.


Because all the work you've done has most likely been focused on your conscious and subconscious mind which is a great place to start but you're not just a mind, you have a physical & energetic body too and this is where those pesky fears, beliefs & trapped emotions are still trapped causing you to repeat non serving patterns of behaviours even though you know you're doing it! 

If any of that sounds frustratingly accurate experiencing Somatic Energy Technique may be the answer!

Group Somatic Energy sessions tailored to addressing the biggest areas of frustration and limitation for women

In every session we'll explore and release the core fears, beliefs & trapped emotions that get deeply ingrained into us from our experiences in this & past lifetimes allowing you to move forward with more understanding and ease. 

Book the sessions that resonate with you or attend all 10 - your healing journey, your choice.

Each session is £27 or you can access all 10 for only £245

All sessions are held online via Zoom at 10am GMT/BST

Attend live or watch the recording. 

Rather work with me privately? 

Leave no stone unturned and work on your specific blocks & challenges

Book a private SET session

Self Worth 

26th March 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Self Belief 

28th March 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Goals & Desires 

16th April 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Confidence & Empowerment

17th April 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Body Image & Self Love 

23rd April 10am 

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Relationships & Intimacy 

25 April 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Money & Wealth 

30th April 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Motivation & Productivity 

2nd May 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Personal Growth 

7th May 10am

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 


Self Acceptance

9th May 10am 

Understand & clear the 4 core beliefs & fears holding you back in this area. Identify and release the associated emotion held in your body to allow you to move forward with more ease & less resistance. 

I want to book a private 1-2-1 session